At Marina Guirola, we provided sensory motor input to several children, provided education and hands on training to the caregivers to support positioning, safe feeding, and swallowing. We were also lucky to collaborate with Marina Guirola’s physical therapist. A few highlights included, helping Gustavo stand (if you read the blog last year then you may recognize his name and face), giving him a communication device with voice output and using prolonged positioning with stretches to facilitate relaxation in our friend Ingrid’s right arm.
At Anini, we were able to distribute/modify 8 wheelchairs in our short amount of time, as well as educate the Tias regarding wheelchair modifications, proper positioning, and techniques to assist in carryover once we left. A few children were absolutely thrilled to receive their wheelchairs, especially one 'little guy' Freddy - whose eyes lit up as soon as he saw his Hot Wheels wheelchair. Therapists and students worked extremely hard to practically tear down and rebuild a few chairs, which was quite a feat and learning experience for all. Its amazing how much a team of 12 can get done in less than 4 hours - especially when tools, drills, and suitcases full of random wheelchair parts are involved!
There was so much to do and so little time but we really felt like we made differences that can be carried over into their everyday lives. The joy on the kid’s faces was captured beautifully in the pictures below.
Renee and Gustavo trialing his new communication device
The wheelchair/tech team at Anini
Overall, we observed many very loving, concerned, and willing to learn caregivers at both orphanages. It was as hard for us to leave as it was for them to see us go. Tomorrow head to a Mayan village, called Berhorst, to begin yet another adventure.
Renee & Stephanie (terapistas)
Brie & Lauren (estudiantes)
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